
Alumni News

Cardiac Scientist - Amy Secomb (nee Waters)

Class of 2002

Since leaving Citipointe (then Christian Outreach College) in 2002, Amy studied a four-year degree in Applied Science in Human Movement at QUT. From there she worked as an Exercise Physiologist which is similar to a Physiotherapist except with more hands-on exercises. It was still a fairly new profession then and a lot of time was spent selling herself to GPs and educating them on what an Exercise Physiologist does.

From there, a careers advisor from the university contacted her about a position at the Prince Charles Hospital as a Cardiac Scientist. Amy started doing ECG and stress tests and then trained in echocardiography, which is ultrasound.  She continued her study with a 2 year post graduate diploma specialising in cardiac ultrasound, and now conducts training for doctors and students.  She enjoys being a part of the team that does a lot of cutting edge work, such as Australian-first and world-first procedures. 

Amy wanted to work with sports teams when she left school but never knew jobs like hers existed. She had always worked in sport and health and was a lifeguard, taught swimming, conducted exercise classes and gym, but working in a hospital was not really on her radar. These days she runs workshops around Australia, teaching a point of care cardio ultrasound to rural GPs, anaesthetists, emergency doctors and others who are hungry to learn. She teaches them to differentiate between what is normal and what is not normal. 

“It’s nice that I can work the teaching around my family and still keep my skills.â€

In school, Amy loved sport including basketball and touch football. She also loved the quality of her friends, two of whom she still sees weekly. “We all had babies together and we have been friends since Grade 1. Citipointe has given me lifelong friends and that is very special. I especially loved the school camps for the social aspect and the adventure.â€

She fondly remembers Mr Webb who was heavily involved in her basketball team. She also enjoyed History with Mr Mills and every time she visits a historical site in her travels she recalls facts taught in class.

Her advice to current students is to keep at it. “Doing better in school gives you more options and more open doors down the track. Just remember that school is carefree and it is good to enjoy the freedom (even though it doesn’t feel like it) before you need to pay the bills and have bigger responsibilities.â€

The medical field is “a great industry and there is definitely no shortage of opportunities. We have an aging population and health care is going down the road of preventative health care, not waiting for something to happen. It is a huge growth area. If you’ve got a heart for people, there are many different avenues to go down and careers that don’t even exist yet.â€

Amy has managed to juggle her career with parenting. She married Jono quite young, but together they have travelled extensively to the US, South East Asia and locally. Amy’s sister lives in Turkey so there have been several trips there too.  â€œTravel is something we love to do and will continue to do with the children. We want to grow their love of our world and show them that not everyone has a house, or water in the sink or access to good food.â€

Amy and Jono have three children, aged 5, 2 ½ and 8 months. “Becoming a mum pushes you and challenges you. It has taught me patience and made me slow down. It was quite hard to adjust to, coming from travelling a lot, working a lot and doing my own thing. It was a rude shock. But now I have found my new groove and I am immersed in it.â€

“Jono and I are excited to have our eldest starting at Citipointe in 2020. I like the fact that there is daily God infusion and that they are surrounded by loving teachers.  Jono loves the fact that there is a lot of sport, music, languages and other opportunities available.â€

Amy and Jono look forward to their family growing up through Citipointe.