
Learning Enrichment

Talent Development Program: Extension Studies and Gifted Education Learning Extension in the Secondary School

In Years 7-10, students are grouped according to ability with High Achievers placed in Extension classes in Core Subjects, and all other students are placed in mixed ability classes. Teachers practise differentiation in their classroom and this is embedded into their Australian Curriculum units.

Gifted and Talented students are identified and are offered an Extension Program (XP), which replaces one of their electives.  In this program, the students are exposed to a rich diversity of Extension activities, including Future Problem Solving, Creative Writing, Critical Thinking and Personal Research Projects. Students are also encouraged to participate in a range of external competitions such as ICAS and Da Vinci Decathlon.

In Years 11 and 12, High Achievers are able to enrol in Semester University courses and participate in University Partnership programs and activities. At the beginning of each year, our Senior students organise and manage an Enrichment Camp for High Achievers invited from each of the Year levels.

For some students, acceleration to the next Year level in one or more subjects may be recommended and implemented. Some students, like our elite athletes, require a modified timetable to be arranged around their commitments and this is developed on an individual basis by our Director of Teaching and Learning.

ISOP (International Student Outreach Program) gives our High Achievers excellent opportunities for international academic collaboration and presentation of research papers at overseas conferences. Some of these programs include the Student Leaders’ Convention in Singapore, the Humanities Research Symposium for Youth in Hong Kong, Singapore or Brisbane, the Cambridge University Summer School in the UK, and the International Science Youth Forum in Singapore.

Students are also provided with teacher and peer mentors and all students are eligible for Academic Excellence awards, certificates and pins, and for Academic Credits, which may be used for extension activities.